Pattaizer - Help

Tune the pattern

When a pattern is chosen the amount of deformation, size etc. can be tuned by the deform control parameters (see here). Other parameters that are available can be found in the Pattern options (picture below). The left bottom picture can be considered as a default result.

Pattern options
The following options are available for pattern tuning (please note that not every option is applicable to every pattern). The picture above shows some typical effects when these options are active or not.

'Degree source blend' is the measure to what extend you want to still see some of the original image. The blend varies from 0 to 50% (which is reflected by a value of 100, illogical perhaps...). The blend will only take place where the colours are is actually a part of the pattern. For instance the spirograph pattern typically has a white circle in the centre, and can also be void/white at the outside. These white areas will not be blended with the source image .

'Clip blend edges': when checked, the edges of the underlying picture will be clipped (also known as a variant of 'cropping'). The amount of clipping is changed with the slider. In the green picture below, the effect of this setting is made visual. A value of 0 indicates that no cropping is done, so the full picture is used for blending. A disadvantage is that in some cases the original picture becomes visible. A value of 20-40 is usually a good balance between filling the white spots and a barely visible underlying source picture. The picture below shows the effects of the two sliders blend and clip edge. A slight blur is applied before blending the clipped original with the pattern.
Note: changing the 'Clip blend edges' only effectively works for pictures that have coloured edges since a picture already having a white edge will not become whiter.

'Skip centre area': when this tickbox is checked the centre part of some patterns is not coloured, and left (white). This is typically the case for circular patterns, like spiral and spirograph .

'Glass FX' (only available for spheres): the bitmap for the glass FX is used to create a kind of 3D effect for each circle. This effect will manifest itself in two different ways: as a transparent glass (sphere), or as an opaque glass (sphere). We emphasize the 'sphere' aspect here because the glass effect is always made with circles. Using a non-circular bitmap for the glass effect may have interesting effects, however it's intended to create spheres as the actual pattern. When the effect is active you can select the type of effect in the controls set for spheres ('Transparent spheres' or 'Coloured spheres' ).

'Apply tube shade': when this tickbox is checked the tubes (Hor and Ver) are shaded. The amount of shade is indicated in the slider in the Deform control. A typical example is shown below: a picture of a plastic snake in a horizontal tube pattern.

'Keep shape' is a special setting only valid for circular patterns (circles and spirals). If checked the resulting pattern cells have a more consistent size ratio of width over height. This way a more evenly sized circular pattern will be generated.

Video options
For grid/mesh-based pattern where parameters can be changed (typically with the control sliders), a video options is available. This option will allow defining sets of parameters, 2 at least, together with a duration of video time to change each parameter from one set of values to the next. There is no limits on amount of sets, and no limit to which parameters can change. The only limit may be your patience to wait until the video is finished. In the interface below you'll find the possibility to save the sets of parameters in a script file. In the video part of the application you can manage the actual video creation, using the sets defined here, as well as reading an existing script file, and then render the video in the video creation window. To open the video creation, press the  'Video'  button in the main GUI.

The following options are available:

  • 'Save as script' will save the script in a new file. You are asked to provide a name for the script.
  • 'Add' will add a new set of parameters to the new script file.
  • 'Script file' is the name of the currently active script. If you want to open an existing script file you can press the icon/button.
  • 'Duration' is the duration between two key-points if you create a new set, or add a new key-point.
  • 'Set-Frame-Time' is the table of key-points of the script. It doesn't show what settings are active. To check settings of any key point, just click on the row of the key-point, and the settings of the script will become active, changing the current control parameters to the ones in the script. To see how the settings look like you can of course create a pattern, and check if these settings are to your liking. There is no practical way to edit points, so it's just for checking, not for updating or editing. Not in the current version of Pattaizer.


General settings
The following options are available for pattern tuning (please note that not every option is applicable to every pattern).


  • 'White rim': a thin white border is added to the source picture. This way the edges are correctly taken into account when the pattern is created. This will typically take effect for patterns that has a certain randomness (so: less likely effective for tubes and hexagons). 
  • 'Automatic save': every time a pattern is generated the result is saved. The save location can be opened via 'Windows' 'Show save folder' and the look for the picture 'Result.jpg'.
  • 'Open folder after save': after the result has been saved manually ('Files' 'Save picture') the save folder will be opened in a new instance of the Windows Explorer.
  • 'Keep aspect ratio': Pattaizer is optimized for square patterns, and will therefore need to cut-out parts of the pattern when non-square source images are used. This options assures that the resulting pattern keeps the aspect ratio, but also needs to tweak a little to make the edges correct. Although deemed superfluous, the option is added for creative people who want to see how to stretch the features of Pattaizer!
  • 'Auto anti-alias': because the patterns are generated pixel by pixel, sometimes the edges are a bit sharp or 'rough'. Anti-alias takes away the sharp edges between adjacent pixels and creates a slight blur to polish the wayward pixels. The result looks generally better, but also seems to become slightly 'out of focus'. In case e.g. Photoshop or Paintshop Pro is available, the user is recommended to fine-tune the quality of the 'pattaized' picture with these professional bitmap editors.
  • 'Show mesh': when checked the grid is shown in the pattaized picture as well (only applicable if a picture is available). The colour of the grid is black.
  • 'Mesh colour': choose a colour of the grid/mesh when you want to keep it visible. This only works if the option 'Show mesh' is active. This option does not work for the kaleidoscope pattern.
  • 'Load picture at start': for a quick start the last used image can be loaded and patterned. Since Pattaizer works best with ready images, this option also supports to preserve a stable application.
  • 'Check for updates at start': when you want to be sure to always use the latest and greatest version, keep this options checked. Download is only done after you click 'OK' button, and installation likewise. Nothing is installed automatically!
  • 'Select GUI style': by optimizing Pattaizer to Windows 10, also new interface 'skins' are now possible. The good news is that Windows 10 has a great HighDPI functionality: Windows can enlarge its GUI from 100% to even 150%, and Pattaizer will scale accordingly. You can select from appr. 20+ themed interfaces, which is kept, so next time you start you'll find that theme of Pattaizer active. The theme does NOT affect any Windows setting !

The controls which are always visible

The following options are always visible in the GUI. These are typical values that you'd like to change frequently, or deliberately for whatever creative reason.


  • The 'Pattern'  selection box. From this pull-down box you can select the pattern you want to apply.
  • 'Wire frame only': when checked only the pattern wire-frame is shown and the picture is not pattaized (only applicable if a picture is available). 
  • 'Auto-update pattern': each change is automatically done and is made visible. For large size patterns it may be useful to un-check this possibility to save rendering time for each pattern tuning change. In case 'Auto-update' is in-active the mosaic is only updated after the user triggers the 'mouse-up' event (= releasing the left mouse button). 
  • 'Paper' size in metric sizes between A5 and A3, while licensed users also get A2 to A0 available
  • The 'Mesh size' is a control to set the amount of grid points in the grid. The default pattern window is 600 x 600 pixels, so a default value of 20 pixels per cell equals to 30 x 30 cells, a cell size of 15 pixels equals an initial grid size of 40 x 40 pixels etc. The purpose of this parameter is to speed up the process of pattern design and tuning. This value is most useful with non-circular patterns.
    • A small cell size creates a large patterns (much pattern creation time required), but the effect is pretty realistic on a large source picture. Not always wanted, such as for pinch and blow and for the tube patterns
    • A large cell size creates a very simply pattern maze, since the amount of cells are however low, the pattern tuning is much faster
  • The value of 'Line' is the pen thickness of the grid. Default 1, max 5. This parameter may be useful to create special effects because the grid lines are subject to background picture blending (see also Tune the pattern - Blending).

An example of pen thickness (line width) is shown below. Left = pen thickness of 1, right =  pen thickness of 5 pixels.

Some examples of the spirograph

The spirograph has 6 different controls. The effect of a control is very hard to explain in words, so we use a few examples. Please be informed that these examples have specific random colours which we created specially for this documentation chapter. So... these cannot be made with the application.

 Slider name  1  2  3  4  5  6  Description
 Outer radius  -85 -88 -68 -35 29 -79  Initial radius on spirograph
 Inner radius  65  26 76 -85 -85 38  Additional radius of spirograph
 Off-set  -29 9  -53 -41 25 25  Correction of the centre size
 Rounds  53  63  79  99  99  41  Number of pen-rounds
 Angularity  100  100  100  59  59  59  Accuracy of the circular increment
 Size  26  26  34  25  25  25  Scale of the spirograph

The outer- and inner radius and the off-set work together in a mathematical way, which is not very accurately described above. For those who are interested in the mathematical formula: the horizontal and vertical position of each point of the drawing pencil is calculated as follows:

  • horizontal position = Size * (Inner radius + Outer radius) * cosine(angle) - Size * (Outer radius + off-set) * cosine( ( (Inner radius + Outer radius) / Outer radius) * angle)
  • vertical position = Size * (Inner radius + Outer radius) * sine(angle) - Size * (Outer radius + off-set) * sine( ( (Inner radius + Outer radius) / Outer radius) * angle)

The options for the kaleidoscope
The kaleidoscope is a different pattern compared with the others: this pattern can be generated by active user input only. The mouse is used to literally draw the kaleidoscope pattern. The kaleidoscope is therefore not subject to scripting, since there is nothing to automate. The kaleidoscope has a few options:

The amount of mirrored lines can be chosen: '2x', '4x' or '8x'. The other option is to 'Show the picture area': when a picture is opened the current kaleidoscope surface is erased to fit to the size and format of the new picture. Since this pattern is by default a circular (= mirrored)pattern, the canvas will be square. To locate the picture boundaries, a lime-coloured rectangle is shown. In addition, also a very faint version of the source image will be shown. Both of these supporting features may help to tune the pattern for the actual area of the picture.

When the option 'Auto-update pattern' is ticked, the mosaic is automatically recreated after releasing the mouse after drawing a pattern. In unchecked the user has to manually click the 'Update mosaic' button.

Options for free drawing

Basically, free drawing is identical to the kaleidoscope pattern. The only difference is that no mirroring is done, and only the single (mouse) drawn line is used. All controls are therefore similar to the kaleidoscope, where the 3 checkboxes to select the amount of mirrored lines are now hidden. To better master the shape of your line it is advised to purchase a pen-tablet. We recommend the Wacom Bamboo.

Tip: when holding the 'Shift' key and clicking on the pattern area, the centre of the 'Circular' and 'Twirling spiral' pattern is positioned at the mouse pointer.  

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